Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Fundraiser

We put together a Baked Goods booth for a Harvest Hoedown our church was having at a lovely barn, farm, nursery location, called the Windmill in Florence. Adorable place. All proceeds from the booth of course go directly to our adoption fund, and my mom, sister, grandmother and mother-on-law helped by making goodies and finding all the supplies needed. It was such a great success and I was mostly encouraged by the auotmatic support people gave us. God is so good. I am uplifted by this experience and the heart, encouragement, and experiences that people have had that God is using to lift us up and remind us that He has a plan for us. And it is a really exciting and awesome one! We are busy planning our next fundraisers, paperwork for our homestudy, and learning alot of about the culture and how to raise a child in a multiracial home. My mind is in constant process mode, trying to feel like I have a handle on everything. I admittedly feel overwhelmed most of the time, and that I am in a surreal world, that God has chosen us for this. God is good, that is all I can say. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you got pictures of the booth, cause it was lovely. I really enjoyed watching your lit-up face talk about the precious one you'll be bringing home soon. :)
