Saturday, April 23, 2011

Time to blog again :)

Well, I haven't blogged for a while. There is a lot of wait time in this process. Here are two updates of good things going on in our journey.
The first is that we have started attending a support group for families adopting from Ethiopia. This is a great resource, not only for parents, but also for our children to have support from each other and a place where they are understood in a way that others may not understand or know how to support. We LOVE it :) It is a monthly get together, informal and at houses or parks and we eat dinner and chat. We have gone twice now, and I can't decide which I like more: talking to other moms or seeing the children and how beautiful the families are just being together and natural. The first time I went and saw all the kids, I just was so impressed with the feeling of how incredibly precious and special they are. I LOVE Ethiopian adoption!! :D
So the other good news is OUR HME STUDY HAS GONE THROUGH THE COURST AND IS APPROVED!!! This is what we have been waiting on to move onto the final phase with our Dossier!! We are Sooo close :) Basically, we have some more fingerprinting to do, lots of papers to compile and have all notarized, and finish up our HAGUE training hours... With God all things are possible and we see the light at the end of the tunnel of paperwork.

On a side note, I am now starting to slowly collect items for our baby. :) It's fun to start this part of the process and buy clothes that will eventually get baby drool on them <3 It is really theraputic for me to see this visual of clothes, blankets, and stuff like that.
Anyway, that is the update for now.


  1. :) glad to hear things are pretty upbeat with the adoption right now! Maybe some time if you need to blog about something maybe you could explain how you were first led to adopt from Ethiopia? I would love to hear it :)

  2. Happy to hear that your home study was approved!!

  3. SOOOOO EXCITED!!! love you guys!
